Although it was over 100 every day and I had a heat headache the whole time (yes, I drank enough water), I had a great visit in Tucson last week. The wedding I attended was beautiful. Matt & Christa make a great couple. I haven't gone through my pics yet, but here's a couple to share with you.

On the way home, I stayed in Phoenix a night so I could go see Gramma. She's looking great. I hope I look so good when I'm over 90! My uncle's wife, Aunt Jo, took me to National Cemetary. My uncle was put in a vault there after he died. They moved my Grampa's remains from Illinios so she wanted to show me his spot so that "when you visit you know where to bring flowers". She goes out there a lot to sit by my uncles marker. It's been so tough on her at times and it's been over four years. Here's the pics I took of the markers:

When I came home, CaliLyn was back from her summer in Oregon. She spent the last three days with me & Scully. It was nice yesterday for my birthday. We got up around 9:30, ended up skipping breakfast and made brownies.

I had to download some things for the
Bible Bee and was having some issues with that. At 10:45 she was talking about breakfast. I said it made more sense to fire up the barbeque and get the ribs going. We agreed and started lunch.
Our local
Bible Bee chairman came over about 12:15 so she joined us for lunch (since we didn't have our
Bible Bee tests downloaded yet). After lunch I was able to do the download, then Jeanine and CaliLyn did the dishes and cleaned up while I took my shower. Jeanine gave me a basil plant ~ love the scent! My friend Christy gave me a Porterhouse steak ~ does she know me or what!
It was a perfect end to a great two weeks!
Regarding the wildfires, we are in no fire danger here. However, we are close enough to the Angeles National Forest fire that we were innudated with smoke the first few days. Now we just smell it a little in the morning. Parly because the winds have slowed quite a bit so it's not being pushed over our house anymore. (The winds kick up during the night which is why we do get it in the morning.)
Today I will get through the laundry and get some stuff done around the house. I'm looking forward to tomorrow for my day of Sabbath rest!