09 May 2008

The Calm Before the Storm

Here's another note from Sue. I used the subject line of her email.

Dear Family and Friends:

This morning I awakened early, prayer and praise were already coming out of my heart, we serve an Awesome God. I realized that today will be a deciding factor regarding the rest of our lives. I don't know how we would survive without our faith. I am not saying we will not be tested and tried, have pain in the flesh, heart and soul but we have a promise that He will not give us more than we can bear, I cling to that promise, I know the question "why?" will have a tendency to creep in but I have the assurance that Jesus will carry us through whatever lies ahead. It is a scarey place to be, the unknown, but as Russ has said, " It says over and over in the Word, ' Do NOT be afraid.'"

As I prayed for the man I love, I was reminded of what he says to me every time I go out for my walk in the morning, "Via con Dios", which means, "Go with God". So today as we embark on a journey no one should have to go alone, I say to him and you. "Via con Dios, my love. Your love and support, your prayers and concern have been a testimony of God's Love. Thank you

Yesterday was probably a more normal day for us, we went to our Cotton Pickin' Losers(weight club), Russ has to start putting on weight now instead of dropping the pounds. Then to town, for errands and a routine Mammogram for me. My Mother's Day present from Russ has been a yearly thing; to put in the dock, so yesterday he did that. It was not an easy job but he felt good about it, he had accomplished something practical. Then our friends the Wallin's invited us for coffee, they wanted to know what was happening, they have been in Florida for the winter. It was a good day, a day to remember, a routine day of necessities and accomplishments and dear friends, of continual uplifting e mails and phone calls. Praise the Lord.

Oh, yes if I repeat myself about issues, please forgive me, I am talking to so many people that it is hard to remember who I have already told.

I will let you know what transpires today at the Radiation Therapy and Oncology Dept.



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