18 July 2008

Alpaca Is Backa

The people with the alpacas are interested in the house again. Appearantly, they didn't give up on the permit from the city and are now able to have the animals here. They put their house on the market. Although, it didn't sound like they put in an offer again this time. Last time they had said their neighbors were interested in purchasing their home. Also, Christine (the realtor) said their home is an unremarkable tract home and they are listing it high for the area where they are selling. If this works out they want Scully and me to stay.

I'm planning to go out for a bit today. I'm going to go to get gas (this may be a shock since it was still in the 3's when I last purchased it) and then I'll go by Wally World for a few minutes. I'm planning on doing a little bit each day for the next few days since I start back at work on Wednesday. I may also swing by Lowe's to pick up some ant killer. It's better I do those today as Saturday's are mad houses. We'll see. My brief stop at the market Tuesday was more than enough for me.

Sunday my outing will be to church. I like the fact that I can listen live to my service on the internet so I only missed last Sunday when I was in Portland. I could have hunted it down on the radio up there, but I wasn't out of bed yet. I'm looking forward to seeing all my friends there!

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